Sunday, May 5, 2013

My GDN Run (In Black and White) xD

It's been awhile since I've posted, since everything is just going fine and normal. But today i'mma post about the GDN run I had yesterday xD 

I should have taken a picture in colour (at least in the front few stages xD) but I was too focused on wut I'm doing I can't screenshot.

The part where Skies talked about lvl60 skill for Kali "Beast Spirit"

The me saying "Huiyorhhh beast spirit xD" I was amazed xD

The dragon looks so cute at the angle xD But when you reach the next picture..

The dragon looks more like a lizard and now it's not cute anymore -.-

Everybody die liao, I go stand front and take a close-up photo of the cute GD xD

And then we had fun climbing on the Green Dragon and head back to Saint Haven without killing the dragon xD