Sunday, October 7, 2012

Today I go Apocalypse xD (Taking the risk and do it with only 3 people)

Today I go to Apocalypse O_O But I only got this picture larh xD dun blame me, I'm trying to provoke that blockhead -.-

Today and Yesterday I go for ABN (Died only 4 times)

This one here I died xD Waiting for a chance to go attack that stupid ass xD

Got a chance, but not done with the killing yet O_O 

This one is the ABN run I did on 7/10/2012 Sunday xD the 2 pictures above are done on the day before Sunday O_O  

Defeated the boss xD Without using all of my lives.. improvement for me xD

Monday, October 1, 2012

EXAM -.-...


Friday, September 21, 2012


Today, I have nothing to do, no picture no nothing =______=...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

That day (Yesterday - -), I went to ABN (Archibishop Nest) with Yin, Qi and Wijiji xD

Seriously - - I suck in ABN because of the items that I'm using sucked O___O|| And all of the pictures that you're going to see soon are only pictures of me DEAD in ABN. -.- This picture above is me dead during the mushroom stage and Yin died 'cause she didn't knew that she had to hit that stupid shroom. @@

Then, Wijiji gave me advice. O_O Which is "hang you must chg armor" and it was really helpful 'cause i thought so as well... - - Not that I did not want to change it, its just that I have no idea if the HIDDEN POTENTIAL for the EQ is better than the ones i had for Manticore set. @@

Actually I hate this part most among all stages O_O 'cause of its laser, I'm always dead -.-

Wiji calls us to revive xD IGNORED xD 

Hi xD 

Same pose = v = 

Same pose again = v =..

Yin so tank @@ I lose jor xD

Err.. I had no comment for this picture -.-

I took so many photo of this stupid thing instead of the boss right after this stage -.-... I thought I took some of it but nvm O_O there's still next time xD

Monday, September 17, 2012

Today, me and Yin prepare want go MN xD (But that GOOD KID very slow - -) PART 3


Today, me and Yin prepare want go MN xD (But that GOOD KID very slow - -) PART 2


Today, me and Yin prepare want go MN xD (But that GOOD KID very slow - -)

Today, Wiji say our guild (BBS- BirthBySlp) must lvl15 O_O So me and yin were planning to go CN, but MN also can earn 150 guild points. So, we decided to go there first. O_O Suddenly that GOOD KID online back, so I ask her if she want to join for MN, and she say ok. O_O

Problem is, GOOD KID did not fly to SH (Saint Haven) - - She's at CV (Calderock Village) talking about rock guy with Yin. Which made me thought of a guy made of rocks/stones... -___- CURRENTLY STILL WAITING FOR HER.

Today, I went for another challenge in Prayer's xD (This time with only GOOD KID)

CURSES!! WHY KERURU YOU JUMP SO HIGH!!! T____T I just want to hug you xD (Wiji teach me de xD)

Today, I have nothing to do, SO I PEEK ON PEOPLE. xD

Before I peek on people... I was sitting up here enjoying the view in SH (Saint Haven). However.. The problem was that THE SKY IS TOO FOGGY!!! WHICH MEANS I CAN'T ENJOY THE VIEW!! (Stupid clouds - 3 -)

Because of that, I go jump on another roof. Unfortunately, when I was jumping around the roof... I accidentally exceed the border line, and fell down under the tree. THEN, I NOTICE THAT THERE'S A GUY THERE STARING AT THIS TREE!!! So I sat down and practically try to ignore his stare O_O||

Today, I go to Sanctuary Core with GOOD KID @@

 The reason why I came to SC (Sanctuary Core) was I was trying to finish that damned main quest -___- I realize that without finishing your main quests, when you reached SH (Saint Haven), there's practically nothing for you to do there other than spamming dungeons. -___- So here's the last main I had for the day. And this is a picture of me, literally getting hit by that stupid ELENA.




Today, I go to Prayer's Resting Place with Qi and GOOD KID xD

Today, I go to Prayer's Resting Place with Qi and GOOD KID. O_O Problem is GOOD KID chose MASTER without the knowledge that I was joking @@ So, we had to fight with this stupid Keruru, the son of the Manticore in Manticore Nest. =____= And, to tell you the truth, this ain't fun. Look at our HP -__-..

Qi's INJECTOR!!!!! O_O 

I'm trying my best to kill this Keruru, so that nobody dies. O_O 

Qi and GOOD KID actually died, but I did not have to time to print the screen because of that Keruru - -(I failed my mission in killing that Keruru before time!! xD) which was a waste, I thought that I might have a chance to post it in here -___- NVM xD NEXT TIME YA GOOD KID xDDD

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Today, I HATE FU SO MUCH - -

FU's teleport skill - blurs my vision - - 

FU's teleport skill - exceeds me - -...

Today, I go DOK xD

Waiting for that GOOD KID to load. xD

Today, Wiji say want solo Ogre in CN xD

Imba wehh xDD

Today, Wiji and My Bro Talk Until I Speechless - -

You two talk too much T_____T

Today, I go to DTMI xD (with my priest xD)

Today, I go to DTMI (Dark Tower Magic Institute). Then, it's night time O_O Which means there's stars!!! xD So here's a picture of me looking up into the sky, trying as much to lift my head (since clerics don't lift their heads much...) to enjoy the freaking view. xD