Monday, September 17, 2012

Today, I go to Prayer's Resting Place with Qi and GOOD KID xD

Today, I go to Prayer's Resting Place with Qi and GOOD KID. O_O Problem is GOOD KID chose MASTER without the knowledge that I was joking @@ So, we had to fight with this stupid Keruru, the son of the Manticore in Manticore Nest. =____= And, to tell you the truth, this ain't fun. Look at our HP -__-..

Qi's INJECTOR!!!!! O_O 

I'm trying my best to kill this Keruru, so that nobody dies. O_O 

Qi and GOOD KID actually died, but I did not have to time to print the screen because of that Keruru - -(I failed my mission in killing that Keruru before time!! xD) which was a waste, I thought that I might have a chance to post it in here -___- NVM xD NEXT TIME YA GOOD KID xDDD

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